Magento – Magento 2 – unable to retrieve deployment of static files from the file system storeview


When I'm in production mode, if i run the command

php bin magento setup: upgrade

static files are generated only for the en_US language.
While for the other store views, it_IT and es_ES I get the error:
unable to retrieve deployment of static files from the file system storeview

I have to generate manually with the command:  

php bin / magento setup: static-content: deploy – f it_IT

…. It's normal?
Because when I'm in Developer mode and I run the command:

php bin magento setup: upgrade

They are automatically generated for all store view.

Best Answer

My understanding of the Magento documentation (link below) is that unless specified one language or all languages, en_US is the default language.

If you try the command below:

bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy it_IT es_ES

It should work and get something like this as a result:

Deploy using quick strategy
adminhtml/Magento/backend/it_IT         2193/2193           ============================ 100% %  10 secs
frontend/Magento/blank/it_IT            2180/2180           ============================ 100% %  9 secs
adminhtml/Magento/backend/es_ES         2193/2193           ============================ 100% %  11 secs
frontend/Magento/blank/es_ES            2180/2180           ============================ 100% %  9 secs
frontend/Magento/luma/it_IT             2195/2195           ============================ 100% %  12 secs
frontend/Magento/luma/es_ES             2195/2195           ============================ 100% %  12 secs
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