Magento 2 – Fixing Uncaught TypeError: Cannot Read Property ‘quoteData’ of Undefined


/checkout/ page (for “one page checkout” mode)
“Cannot read property "quoteData” of undefined" from quote.js
The error is coming from OOB quote.js, so tried creating a custom version by adding 'domReady!' and still not working.

I tried different ways but the error came up again after few days in our testing/lower environment but same code works fine in production site. We saw this error few days ago but went away after clearing cache but showed up again.

Tried adding 'domReady!' as suggested at Github post and mage2pro topic but still no luck. Clear cache, upgraded as well bunch of times. Magento CE version 2.2.6.

Getting this error when going to next page from shopping cart(checkout/).

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'quoteData' of undefined
    at quote.js:33
    at Object.execCb (require.js:1650)
    at Object.context.execCb (resolver.js:145)
    at Module.check (require.js:866)
    at Module.enable (require.js:1143)
    at Module.init (require.js:774)
    at callGetModule (require.js:1170)
    at Object.completeLoad (require.js:1544)
    at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptLoad (require.js:1671)

Best Answer

Issue has been resolved after fixing DB connection details in one of OOB template file.

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