Magento2 Cart Quote – Updating Quote Item in Magento 2


I am trying to update quote item in magento2. But every time i am saving the item its creating a new item with the same quote id rather than updating it. Here is my code

    public function __construct(
            \Magento\Quote\Model\QuoteRepository $quoteRepo
            $this->_quoteRepo = $quoteRepo;

public function updateItem(){
    $quote = $this->_quoteRepo->get('id here');
    foreach($quote->getAllVisibleItems() as $itemq){

But every time its saving an item.. a new item is getting generated. Dont know why. Also I couldn't find any class which explicitly load qoute item in magento2. Help will be appreciated.

In this question they are setting the whole product… not trying to update it. When you set a product a new quote item will surely generate. But why its doing the same in case of updation.

Best Answer

I am not sure about my below solution:

  • May be you need to load Quote item object by item id
  • As you want set price then using setPrice() you cannot set your desire price for that cart item
$item = $quote->getItemById($item->getId());
if (!$item) {
$item->setQty((double) $qty);
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