Magento – Magento 2| Url regeneration for catalog


I have tried to regenerate urls for categories and products after migration from Magento 1.9.x to Magento 2.2.x through following modules:

  1. Url Regenerator 1
  2. Url Regenerator 2

These 2 generates the urls for categories and products but in frontend, I am getting 404 error when click on products from Homepage, search result page, any widgets etc. Product urls works fine when going from category pages but not for all categories. From some of the categories its shows 404.

Good thing is that all category urls are working perfectly. But not the product urls.

I have multiple stores. Anyone have the same issues?

Best Answer

Truncate all product/category urls from url_rewrite table and then regenerate them by saving a parent cateogory (after modifying either is_anchor or url_key field).