Magento – Magento 2: values of multiselect attribute don’t ever change!


i have a multiselect product attribute, that when ever i change its settings and save, i get

enter image description here

but the settings don't get changed.
Here's the attribute's database values:

enter image description here

I'm on magento 2.2.4, any idea how to fix this?

Best Answer

I have faced the same issue and fixed it using database. After a long R&D, I found that the same attribute values exist in both catalog_product_entity_varchar and catalog_product_entity_text tables.

You can check the all multiselect attributes from below query:

SELECT e.`attribute_id`,`attribute_code`,`frontend_input`,`backend_type`,`backend_model` FROM eav_attribute e LEFT JOIN `catalog_eav_attribute` ce ON e.attribute_id = ce.attribute_id WHERE e.entity_type_id = 4 AND ce.is_visible = 1 AND e.frontend_input='multiselect'

For example, attribute id is 182, so delete all entries from catalog_product_entity_text table where attribute_id is 182.