Magento 2 WebAPI – JSON Encode in Magento 2 WebAPI

apijsonmagento2rest apiwebapi

I'm returning JSON via an endpoint in Magento 2 this bit of JSON looks like the following:

    $new_json = [
        'component_1' => '[{....}]', 
        'component_2' => '[{...}]'
    return $new_json;

The endpoint works, but it returns the following:

0: "...."
1: "...."

Now I can pass the JSON into [ ] to return the following, but this isn't what I want:

component_1: "...."
component_2: "...."

My issue is I need to return the JSON with key and value, not 0 and 1 nor a sub value e.g. [0]

Is there a setting for the endpoint to stop it encoding the JSON like this? Or is there something I need to do to return it in the way that I want?


Best Answer

Problem Summary: You have a PHP Array and you want to return it as a JSON Object. When you return your PHP Array, it gets converted to a JSON Array, which does not support non-sequential keys. So your keys get ignored and you end up with a sequential array of your values.

Solution Summary: You need to return a PHP Object in order to have a JSON Object in your response.

Solution Example

Please check following example that returns a sample Components object.


namespace Company\Components\Api\Data;

 * Interface ComponentsInterface
interface ComponentsInterface
     * Get component 1
     * @return string
    public function getComponent1();

     * Get component 2
     * @return string
    public function getComponent2();


namespace Company\Components\Api;

 * Components Management interface
interface ComponentsManagementInterface
     * @return \Company\Components\Api\Data\ComponentsInterface
    public function getComponents();


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<routes xmlns:xsi=""
    <route url="/V1/components" method="GET">
        <service class="Company\Components\Api\ComponentsManagementInterface" method="getComponents"/>


namespace Company\Components\Model;

 * Components model
class Components extends \Magento\Framework\DataObject implements \Company\Component\Api\Data\ComponentsInterface
     * @inheritDoc
    public function getComponent1() 
        return $this->getData('component1');

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getComponent2()
        return $this->getData('component2');


namespace Company\Components\Model;

 * Components Management
class ComponentsManagement implements \Company\Components\Api\ComponentsManagementInterface
    * @var \Company\Components\Api\Data\ComponentsInterfaceFactory
    protected $_componentsFactory;

    * ComponentsManagement constructor.
    * @param \Company\Components\Api\Data\ComponentsInterfaceFactory $_componentsFactory
    public function __construct(\Company\Components\Api\Data\ComponentsInterfaceFactory $_componentsFactory)
        $this->_componentsFactory = $_componentsFactory;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function getComponents()
        $components = $this->_componentsFactory->create();
            'component1' => '[{....}]',
            'component2' => '[{....}]'
        return $components;


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi=""
    <preference for="Company\Components\Api\Data\ComponentsInterface"
    <preference for="Company\Components\Api\ComponentsManagementInterface"

With above example, when you GET http://magento/rest/V1/components it will return following JSON Object:

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