Locate app/code/Magento Pool in Magento 2


In the RC candidates and the CE available via GitHud app/code/magento pool is included. In the distro from magento's website the pool is missing, where is the pool stored? I ask because I am getting messages saying that the Massgenerator does not exist:

a:4:{i:0;s:72:"Class Magento\Salesrule\Model\Coupon\MassgeneratorFactory does not exist";i:1;s:13600:"#0 /chroot/home/html/mag2a/vendor/magento/framework/ObjectManager/Definition/Runtime.php(44):

However the exact same code run on the CE distro containing the code/magento pool handles the code just fine.

Best Answer

there are two approaches of installing Magento:
1. from Git repository. Then all modules are in app/code, so contributors can work with them as a regular GitHub repo
2. via Composer. Then all core modules will be in vendor and custom modules can be created under app/code and stored under project's Git repository. The zip archive is based on this approach, just everything is already downloaded and packed in one zip
Source for the files is the same.


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