Magento – Magento 2 – Why is product image size & dimensions changed after upload

image resizingmagento2product-images

When uploading new images to a product in Magento 2, it is not only decreasing the dimensions of the image, but it's increasing the image file size:

Image Details Before Upload

  • Dimensions: 1185 × 1580 px
  • File Size: 446 KB

After Upload

enter image description here

Can anybody explain why this is happening? I accept that some data may be added to the image by Magento, but I don't understand why it has been resized? Is there anywhere this can be changed?


I've now discovered that the image dimensions have been set in vendor/magento/framework/File/Uploader.php

enter image description here

Next is to find the best way to change these values, I found this related post: Magento 2 change max image height and width of image uploader in Admin?

I still don't know why these dimensions have been imposed on users on M2. nor why the file size more than doubles in size!

Best Answer

In the end I created a new theme to override the following two files where the restriction was added:

  • vendor/magento/module-cms/view/adminhtml/templates/browser/content/uploader.phtml
  • vendor/magento/module-backend/view/adminhtml/templates/media/uploader.phtml

Within those files I hard coded the new max image sizes:


This is the post I followed to achieve the override:

Regarding the image file size I have not found a definitive answer as to why the size has more than doubled. This post had some insight however:

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