Magento 2 – Workaround for Loading Static Assets from Symlinks


I just discovered that the official Magento 2.0 release (post public beta) doesn't support loading static assets from a symlinked folder. The root of the problem appears to be here

#File: vendor/magento/framework/View/Design/FileResolution/Fallback/Resolver/Simple.php

if ($this->rootDirectory->isExist($this->rootDirectory->getRelativePath($path))) {
    return $path;

The call to $this->rootDirectory->getRelativePath fails if the file doesn't exist under the root Magento directory. So, if you've created a symlink for your module folder

lns app/code/My/Module /path/to/my/other/repository/My/Module

the static file loader application won't be able to find your file.

Does anyone know a workaround for this that doesn't involve

  • running php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy whenever you change a file
  • hacking some code directly into vendor/magento/framework/View/Design/FileResolution/Fallback/Resolver/Simple.php to specifically handle your symlink-ed files

Best Answer

there are still some places in Magento 2, which are not compatible with components outside of Magento root. We're working on fixing them. Thanks for reporting, so we would not miss any such place (this one is already in our list).

Unfortunately, I can't suggest any workaround for it now.

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