Magento – Magento 404 Error in Frontend and Admin When “Use Web Server Rewrites : YES”


I am Using Magento to my site.Getting index.php every url in Front end and Admin When trying to Remove index.php using Option "Use Web Server Rewrites : YES" Then in Front Url Structure Getting without index.php but when trying to open without index.php getting 404 Error.

i have downloaded fresh .htaccess from magento and uploaded to my Magento Root Directory But Not Working.Please Help me to Solve it Out

Best Answer

It seems your server is not configured mod_rewrite module, please enable it and try.

Ref: [Follow Step 2 — Enabling mod_rewrite]

Modify server directory block under server configuration file as below:

<Directory /var/www/html>
       Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
       # changed from None to FileInfo
       AllowOverride All
       Order allow,deny
       allow from all
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