Magento – How to Add New Fields in Customer Address


I want to add new field Title. This field is a Dropdown and I give value like this.

$attributes = array(
'jobtitle'           => array(
    'label'    => 'Title',
    'backend_type'     => 'varchar',
    'frontend_input'    => 'select',
    'is_user_defined'   => 1,
    'is_system'         => 0,
    'is_visible'        => 1,
    'sort_order'        => 140,
    'is_required'       => 1,
    'multiline_count'   => 0,
    'option'            => array (
        'value' => array(
            'Mr' => array('Mr'),
            'Mrs' => array('Mrs'),
            'Ms' => array('Ms'),                                               
            'Miss' => array('Miss'),                                               
            'Dr' => array('Dr'),                                              
    'validate_rules'    => array(
        'max_text_length'   => 255,
        'min_text_length'   => 1

foreach ($attributes as $attributeCode => $data) {
    $attribute = $eavConfig->getAttribute('customer_address', $attributeCode);
        $usedInForms = array(
        $attribute->setData('used_in_forms', $usedInForms);

There is a options is my dropdown value. when I see in the admin side, field is added and the dropdown is displayed but this value is not set. I am getting the blank Dropdown. Please help.

Best Answer

If you are trying to add title in-front of customer name, it's an in-built feature in Magento. Go to System > Configuration. And under Customers tab select customer configurations. See the image below.

enter image description here