Magento 1.7 Admin Grid Problem


I have a magento admin grid module and when I am inside the grid on the admin menu it shows me the header and the add item button but it throws this error

Fatal error: Call to undefined method NAMESPACE_Garantiaextendida_Model_Mysql4_Garantiaextendida_Collection::setPageSize() in G:\xampp\htdocs\webpage\app\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\Block\Widget\Grid.php on line 553

This is my mysql4 model collection


class Felisiakluciano_Garantiaextendida_Model_Mysql4_Garantiaextendida_Collection extends  Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Collection_Abstract
    protected function _construct()

Can somebody help me? Please its more than urgent. Thanks and Good Bye.

Best Answer

Check if NAMESPACE_Garantiaextendida_Model_Mysql4_Garantiaextendida_Collection is extending the right core Magento abstract collection class that it is supposed to.