Magento Admin Not Working in WAMP


I installed a magento with sample data. Everything working fine. Only i am unable to login to admin.

When i access magento login page: at localhost/admin
Then it shows this normal magento login:

enter image description here

But after login it again shows a login page but with session key in url (which seems i login)

enter image description here

this is the url generated


And when i modify this url to


Then it shows actual dashboard but without loading js and html files. ONLY HTML version.

enter image description here

Any idea why it is doing like this?

Apache Rewrite enabled

Curl Enabled

Best Answer

There can be 3 issues as far as my knowledge:

  1. Url issue:

Check your secure base url and unsecure base url in 'core_config_data' table. It should be something like this:


You can find this row in table whose path column value is web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url.

  1. Magento Cache issue:

Go to /your_project/var/cache folder and delete all the contents. Clear browser cache as well and try reloading page.

  1. Php Curl Extension Issue:

If you are using wamp server then check if you have enabled "php_curl" extension. If not, then enable it, restart wamp server and then try loading the page.

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