Magento – magento admin product grid add category filter to admin grid without adding column


i am trying to filter grid by category without adding category column, is there a way by which we can do this custom filter to grid.

below is what i did

function prepareCollection()
$catIdArray = getRequest()->getParam('cat_id');
//i.e  $catIdArray = array(26, 27, 17);

$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection(); 

    array('in' => $catIdArray)

Here filter is working fine, but pagination doesn't work in this case. please suggest me what am i doing wrong????

Best Answer

Try this:

    'catalog/category_product', // table to join
    'product_id=entity_id', // ON statement, flat table first!
    array(), // don't add any columns
    array('in' => $categoryIds) // additional WHERE