Magento Admin – Fix Redirects to Homepage Issue


I know this is common problem, I tried many solutions but things did not work.
I tried changing the url for admin from dashboard. Now dashboard redirects me to
store home page. I tried deleting cache files and session files. Also
set admin/url/use_custom to 0, admin/url/use_custom_path to 0 in database.
The login page opens as bare html with no css or js files working. when i login it redirects me to store homepage.
Any help would be great! thanks.

Update: Also tried changing the local.xml. Now the /index.php/admin gives 404 error and the new admin name "backend" (/index.php/backend) redirects to homepage.

Best Answer

Take a look at Magento - Wiki - Set up Magento backend on a separate node

Edit “app/etc/local.xml” and change


This will change the name of the path entity used to get access to the admin panel.