Magento – Magento Administration Configuration Page blank after upgrade to

configurationfatal errormagento-1.9upgrade

I have seen many similar posts describing the problem I am experiencing, but I have been so far entirely unsuccessful in trying to resolve it. I recently upgraded to Magento CE, and now I get a blank page when navigating to System > Configuration in the back-end. The rendered page contains only empty html and body tags.

The error:

The only error that I get (in the logs or on screen with display_errors enabled in the index.php) when opening the configuration page (or any other admin page) is the following:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Zend_Locale::getAlias() in app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Locale.php on line 243


The relevant line from Locale.php is:

$allowedAliases[Zend_Locale::getAlias($code)] = $code;

I have attempted:

  • Refreshing and/or disabling all caches.
  • Disabling all non-Mage modules in app/etc/local.xml (disable_local_modules), app/etc/modules (<active>false</active>), app/code/local and app/code/community (removing all files).
  • Tried both PHP 5.4.16 and 5.5.21
  • Comparing all files in app/ and lib/ with those from a fresh install. None were missing, but I attempted refreshing them anyway.
  • Refreshing the user permissions by opening and saving the Administrator role in System > Permissions > Roles.
  • Checked and re-checked file permissions, having tried both the Magento recommended perms and fully permissive (777).

System specs:

  • CentOS 7
  • Magento CE
  • PHP 5.4.16 or 5.5.21

Best Answer

I got the same message after upgrading from 1.9.0 -> 1.9.1. Problem was fixed by reinstalling Lib_ZF_Locale via Magento Connect Manager.

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