Magento – Magento: Allowing insecure content on https pages


I'm facing an issue and I have no idea how to solve it. I use on another websites (which aren't developed in Magento) a jQuery script that gets an address once we type the zip code (a lot websites in Brazil, especially e-commerces, use that) but the url to retrieve all data, using ajax, is a "http" url and Magento blocks any requests made to that url once it doesn't use https.

Is there a way to make Magento allow this kind of http request even not using ssl? The feature of filling the user's address fields automatically is very important to make the user life easier, so, my customer really needs that.

Any ideas?

Thanks everyone!

Best Answer

On an SSL page any resource requested from a non SSl page is a security threat and Browsers are supposed to warn user.

I suggest you ask your other website provider to give you an alternate SSL URL this will solve the issue.

Other way is you call your site page using SSl which inturn communicates with the other site using Curl or some other protocol.Other site will respond to your Curl request.Which then is returned to your website visitor page from your php script.

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