Magento – Magento catalogsearch_fulltext reindex


I am trying to renidex (through CLI) magento catalog but the routine is hangs (or executing very slow) on catalogsearch_fulltext. I am tried to wait more 8 hours, but it didn't finish. There are 18k SKUs in catalog. Magento installed on a DigitalOcean VPS which has a 4Gb of RAM. I am tried to make truncate catalogsearch_fulltext – but that didn't help.

UPDATE: I am using Magento 1.9

UPDATE 2: I am deleted French and German stores, an reindexing finally finished: "Catalog Search Index index was rebuilt successfully in 03:03:16" It really should work so long?

Best Answer

The problem with Magento CatalogSearch Fulltext, apart the whole indexation takes place on PHP side, that when you search on the frontend, related database tables are locked, that slow downs it dramatically. If you have a possibility to avoid standard fulltext search in Magento, you should do, as it is not developed for huge datasets.

There are different options available like Sphinx, Solr, ElasticSearch that you can implement with less effort and better search results.

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