Magento – Magento Checkout Stuck: Failed to load the “Magento_Checkout/js/view/payment” component


I am on Magento 2.2. When I click on proceed with checkout, the checkout page opens (where it asks for address) but the checkout-loader jig keeps on spinning. I get below error on console:

console-output-handler.js:34 [2018-03-26 02:15:40] [ERROR] Failed to load the "Magento_Checkout/js/view/payment" component.

Could you please suggest? FYI, I have already tried cache cleans, redeploying static content etc but that didn't help either.

I have already tried the solution posted on below link but it did not help.
Magento 2.2.1 Checkout page broken and Js fail to load error

Best Answer

I have faced same issue on cart and checkout page, In console it shows me "Failed to load the component" error. I have research more about this and check with disable all third party modules and theme but no luck.

enter image description here

So, I have checked with comment out app/etc/env.php to env_bck.php file and run URL from browser address bar. I have check "Readiness Check" and found some PHP extension is missing.

enter image description here

I hvae installed missing PHP extension and checked site it is working fine.

This solution might be help.


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