Magento 1.8 – Magento Connect Blank Downloader Page


I am not able to open the Magento Connect Manager.

The backend is working fine, but after the login to access the Magento Connect panel I get redirected to this url showing me a blank page:


My server is running openSuse 11.4, my Magento version is

I have also tried to run the Magento clean up tool but nothing changed.

Best Answer

I managed to solve my problem reading this post, I hope this answer will be useful.

My magento installation was missing php5-ftp and php5-zlib extensions. Magento calls gzcompress and ftp_connect with the error-suppression operator @ in front. This means there won't be any error messages, neither in the logs.

The following commands did the job.

zypper in php5-zlib
zypper in php5-ftp
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart