Magento 1.8 Connect – Package ‘ASchroder_SMTPPro’ is Invalid ‘./’ Already Exists


I am trying to install ASchroder_SMTPPro via Magento connect, but I keep getting the error:

CONNECT ERROR: Package ' CONNECT ERROR: Package 'ASchroder_SMTPPro'
is invalid './' already exists

I read online that the way to fix it would be to remove the file in question? How ever being a newbie I have no knowledge where does the connect installer files go? So I thought asking from here.

Could someone be so kind and tell me how to fix the error (do I delete the and where is the right located. I am using bitnami magento stack and doing a find search gives me too many results to know which one to delete.

Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

Remove the from your root Magento folder. There is only one in the Magento Connect package and it located in the root folder. You will need FTP/SSH access to perform this, but simply removing that file should fix this issue for you. If you continue having that error but with another file after removing the README, you will have to remove them all manually the same way you removed the

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