Magento1 Core URL Rewrite – Fix Excessively Large Table


I've noticed a large amount of reports that this table itself can become extremely cluttered, I'm running a site with ~5000 SKUs and ~250 categories (single-store) and a resultant core_url_rewrite table of over 600,000 lines and over 500MB large which is insane.

This can slow down site performance and result in a very bulky database. I've done some digging and found quite a few posts regarding this, most notably:

//These links have been removed since the implementation of the new boards

Now I understand that the table can be truncated and reindexed, but this doesn't solve the problem, it just prolongs the issue from happening again.

From what I understand, part of the issue is products which have the same url key based on the product's name, thus resulting in indexed links.

A fix mentioned is:

app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Url.php on line ~807:


 if ($product->getUrlKey() == '' && !empty($requestPath)
       && strpos($existingRequestPath, $requestPath) === 0


 if (!empty($requestPath)
       && strpos($existingRequestPath, $requestPath) === 0

But even this does not completely resolve the issue.

My question is as follows:

If you have experienced this issue, have you managed to set up an effective, logical & efficient algorithm which does not involve "managing" the issue repeatedly, but actually resolving the matter once and for all?

Would really appreciate some insight into this.

BTW: Please do yourself a favor and check what your table is looking like right now, you may be experiencing this issue and the performance impact as a result thereof without even knowing it – I didn't.

Edit: I have been in contact with (a Magento platinum hosting partner) and they have confirmed that they have had clients request that their core_url_rewrite table requires truncation as a result of being too bulky.

A big worry of mine is the SEO impact that this may have, which is why I'd like a solution as opposed to procrastinating the issue from arising again.

Update: Nexcess mentioned that with the duplicate products within the table it may actually be hurting SEO as it is.

Best Answer

I've managed to stabalize the issue as follows:

Step 1: Rewrite the Catalog URL model (Using your own module: How To)

Note: If you overwrite the core file without using a rewrite this will render your instance of Magento incapable of future upgrades.

As per Jahnni's solution on the MagentoCommerce boards (no longer active with new board), app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Url.php [ around line 807 Mage_Catalog_Model_Url::getProductRequestPath() ]


if ($product->getUrlKey() == '' && !empty($requestPath)
   && strpos($existingRequestPath, $requestPath) === 0


if (!empty($requestPath)
           && strpos($existingRequestPath, $requestPath) === 0

Step 2: Truncate

Truncate the core_url_rewrite table

Step 3: Reindex & Flush Caches

Initiate the re-indexing process on Core URL Rewrites. Thereafter, you'll want to flush the Magento cache & storage cache.

SystemCache ManagementFlush Magento Cache

SystemCache ManagementFlush Cache Storage

Voila, you're all set. You'll notice if you re-run the indexer, the table should stay constant in size (unless you've added more products inbetween or if you have duplicate category names).

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