Magento – Magento Cron Job – Setup Emails from 1 minute; rest of cron every day


I installed Magento 1.9, and now since the order emails are sent with cron, I want the cron to run every 1 minute, so the customer gets their emails right away.

But I do not want all the cron tasks every minute, cause it would be a huge resource drain.

How can i set up the order emails to get out every minute, but not the other cron tasks….

I also have installed AOE scheduler

Best Answer

We have shops running where the cron script is called every minute and it isn't a problem resource-wise, but this is how you would do it with Aoe_Scheduler by creating separated cron groups:

  • Create a symlink cron_email.php in your Magento root directory which points to cron.php: ln -s cron.php cron_email.php

  • Define the normal cronjob for all cron tasks excluding the one sending the mail:

    */5 * * * * /usr/bin/env SCHEDULER_BLACKLIST='core_email_queue_send_all' /bin/sh /path/to/magento/
  • Define the second cronjob which is only responsible for sending the mail:

    * * * * * /usr/bin/env SCHEDULER_WHITELIST='core_email_queue_send_all' /bin/sh /path/to/magento/ cron_email.php

One advantage you'll get when separating the crons into groups is that long running jobs in the "normal" cronjob won't keep your mails from being sent and vice versa.

As @fschmengler pointed out in the comment you'll have to be cautious when using symlinks and you are on a non-Windows system with shell_exec enabled. Here is how we actually do it to avoid problems parallel execution when using symlinks:

  • create symlinks with different names pointing to cron.php for every cron group
  • explicitly define whether the mode of the cron is always or default

The result looks like this:


*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/env SCHEDULER_BLACKLIST='core_email_queue_send_all,long_running_cron' /bin/sh /path/to/magento/ cron.php -m=default
* * * * * /usr/bin/env /bin/sh /path/to/magento/ cron_always.php -m=always
* * * * * /usr/bin/env SCHEDULER_WHITELIST='core_email_queue_send_all' /bin/sh /path/to/magento/ cron_email.php -m=default
* * * * * /usr/bin/env SCHEDULER_WHITELIST='long_running_cron' /bin/sh /path/to/magento/ cron_longrunning.php -m=default

Magento root dir:

ls -la
cron_always.php -> cron.php
cron_email.php -> cron.php
cron_longrunning.php -> cron.php

This makes things a little bit more complicated but it has served us well.