Magento – Magento cron jobs are not scheduling in the cron_schedule table


I have cron task in my custom module for sync data. Below is the code in my module config.xml

                <schedule><cron_expr>0 8 * * *</cron_expr></schedule>
                <schedule><cron_expr>0 9 * * *</cron_expr></schedule>
                <schedule><cron_expr>0 10 * * *</cron_expr></schedule>
                <schedule><cron_expr>0 11 * * *</cron_expr></schedule>

But the issue is these cron jobs are not scheduling in the cron_schedule table. But when i set to 50mins these got scheduled. Can anyone tell me if there is any issue in my code. Or is there any other reason for that.

I am facing a huge problem because of this. Anyone can help me please. Thank You.

Best Answer

First of all, make sure the cron is set on your server. Try the following command using SSH

#crontab -l

There should be your magento_root/cron.php file.

If not, then you need to edit the crontab. Use the following commands

#crontab -e       
(this will open crontab in your default editor)

*/5 * * * * wget -O  /dev/null -q path_to_magento_root/cron.php > /dev/null
(add this statement and save and close the file. 
This will check your magento cron.php after every five minutes)

Now, magento cron is set on your server.

I'd also recommend you this extension AOE_SCHEDULLER. This will help you monitoring all magento crons.

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