Magento – Magento cron jobs not getting scheduled


I just truncated the cron_schedule table.After that jobs are not getting scheduled.The table is always empty.Any ideas ?

Thank you

Best Answer

You did do the obvious check that cron is enabled in the host?

example logged in via ssh as the webuser you can do:

crontab -l

which will list the crons for the web user

*/5 * * * * /home/website/public_html/

Did you check the server error logs (cron logs in /var/log) for any errors?

cat /var/log/cron

Have you tried running through all this setup, and make sure it is all setup correctly?

in some instances/servers calling the cron.php / from crontab does not work due to permission errors. You can then use wget/curl to call the cron.php file via the web url as such:

*/5 * * * * curl -s -o /dev/null

If your crontab is configured, try that approach, maybe it will work for you.

also install the great module called Aoe_scheduler - it is a better way to manage your crons in Magento

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