Magento Cron – Magento cron.php Does Nothing After it Runs


My Magento cron works normally about a few months ago. But recently, it suddenly stop generating schedule. The cron command itself running fine in my hosting server. It is Magento ver

These are what I have tried:

  1. I try executing cron.php in the browser, and it doesn't generate schedule in cron_schedule table.

  2. Install AOE Scheduler extension, hoping it can solved the problem. I can generate schedule using this extension, but Magento cron cannot execute the cron schedule.

  3. Install fresh Magento ver in hosting server, and then executing cron.php in the browser, cron_schedule table still empty.

  4. Install fresh Magento ver in my localhost, and then executing cron.php in the browser, it generates schedule. So I try to upload it to the hosting server. I clear Magento cache, then executing cron.php in the browser, surprisingly nothing happen in cron_schedule table. But it works fine in my localhost.

I have another Magento site ver in the same hosting server, the cron is working fine.

I still don't know what the cause of this problem, so I post it here. Hoping that somebody have the same problem, and share the solution.

Best Answer

I found the solution in the forums (link not online anymore)

Previously I tried to install Magento in my hosting server, and the cron is running fine. So I assumed my hosting cannot run Magento cron so I was planned to downgrade my Magento site to But before I downgrade my site, I found the solution on the link above.

  • Edit file cron.php
  • After $isShellDisabled = (stripos(PHP_OS, ‘win’) === false) ? $isShellDisabled : true; around #47 add this line of code

    $isShellDisabled = true;

And now My Magento cron run perfectly.

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