Magento 1 Module – Custom Block Methods Not Working


I've created a custom module in Magento but the methods I have defined for my block are not working for some reason. I can create an instance of the block in a template and call the parent blocks methods but not the methods I have defined.


class MyCompany_Morecategories_Block_List extends Mage_Core_Block_Template

  public function getMoreCategories() {
    return 'More categories';

Then in my template file, if I run $this->getMoreCategories() it returns null.

I've tried running get_class($this), and it returns MyCompany_Morecategories_Block_List.

I've also run get_class_methods($this) but it only returned the parent blocks methods.

I can't imagine why my methods are not working.

Edit: Here is my config.xml file for the module:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Edit 2: Here is the custom layout update xml code I have for the category

<reference name="content">
  <block type="morecategories/list" name="morecategories_list"   template="mycompany/catalog/category/more.phtml"/>

Best Answer

Did you update your layout xml block type? Does it work if you try:

<block type="morecategories/list" name="morecategories_list" template="PATH TO YOUR TEMPLATE"/>
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