Magento – Magento custom module is showing in advanced tab but not showing in admin configuration menu tab


I am just a newbie to the magento extensions. I want to create a new module named as storeinfo in magento version . For that I have my folder structure for app/local is like this

magento directory
            |--- New(foldername)--

code for New_Storeinfo.xml which is inside magentodirectory/app/etc is something like this

 <?xml version="1.0"?>

Now inside the directory magentodirectory/app/code/local/New/Storeinfo/etc/config.xml is like this

<?xml version="1.0"?>


          <title>Allow Everything</title>
                      <title>Store Map</title>

        <title>Our Store Address</title>
        <address>Replace this with Your Address with or without HTML code here....</address>
        <title>Our Location Map</title>
        <map_location>Paste Map HTML code here...</map_location>

Now for the directory magentodirectory/app/code/local/New/Storeinfo/etc/system.xml my code is like this

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <storeinfo translate="label" module="storeinfo">
            <label>Store Map &amp; Address</label>
        <storeinfo translate="label" module="storeinfo">
            <label>Map &amp; Address Info.</label>
                <storeinfo translate="label">
                            <div>Add Store info:</div>
                        <enabled translate="label">
                        <title translate="label">
                        <map_location translate="label">
                            <label>Location Map HTML code</label>
                            <comment><![CDATA[Collect you store map html code from any of the maps code provides like <strong>Google, Yahoo..</strong>]]></comment>
                <address translate="label">
                            <div>Add Store Address to your Magento Store:</div>
                        <enabled translate="label">
                        <title translate="label">
                        <address translate="label">
                            <comment>Put you store address with or without HTML code</comment>

But after all the codes the menu for Storeinfo is not showing in magento's admin configuration tab but when I went to admin->configuration->advanced->advanced->disable modules output the module can be ssen there with enable option by default. I have tried enable and disable many times but it is not working at all. So can someone kindly tell me what is the issue here?Any help and suggestions will be really appreciable. Thanks…

Best Answer

I just replicated your configuration like following:

                <title>Allow Everything</title>
                                        <title>Store Map</title>

And cleared magento cache(!important) and re-authorized on backend(!important). It works and shows me your configuration.
Some important note: When you add some module or change some xml configuration files, you should clean the cache (magento updates all xml configuration) and re-authorize on backend (magento updates current admin user role resources).