Magento – Magento Default Transactional Emails


I changed the default on my Magento website for transactional emails and id like to set it back to default, but no longer have a copy of default HTML script.

Can someone please provide me that code snippet?

Go to System –> Transactional Emails –> You will see a drop-down box to load default email templates. –> Select New Order and English) –> Load template. You will see below it will load.

Please copy and paste systems default name, subject, and template content so i can replace my changed template back to default.

I am using Magento ver. Community if that makes a difference.

Curious on another note too, has anyone created their own templates that are clean and professional looking but better than the default? Please provide and I can take a look. Please let me know though it does not default template if you are sharing:

Best Answer

You could simply fetch this from the Magento mirror on GitHub, but here are the contents:

<!--@subject {{var store.getFrontendName()}}: New Order # {{var order.increment_id}} @-->
{"store url=\"\"":"Store Url",
"var logo_url":"Email Logo Image Url",
"var logo_alt":"Email Logo Image Alt",
"htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()":"Customer Name",
"var store.getFrontendName()":"Store Name",
"store url=\"customer/account/\"":"Customer Account Url",
"var order.increment_id":"Order Id",
"var order.getCreatedAtFormated('long')":"Order Created At (datetime)",
"var order.getBillingAddress().format('html')":"Billing Address",
"var payment_html":"Payment Details",
"var order.getShippingAddress().format('html')":"Shipping Address",
"var order.getShippingDescription()":"Shipping Description",
"layout handle=\"sales_email_order_items\" order=$order":"Order Items Grid",
"var order.getEmailCustomerNote()":"Email Order Note"}

{{template config_path="design/email/header"}}
{{inlinecss file="email-inline.css"}}

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
                    <td class="email-heading">
                        <h1>Thank you for your order from {{var store.getFrontendName()}}.</h1>
                        <p>Once your package ships we will send an email with a link to track your order. Your order summary is below. Thank you again for your business.</p>
                    <td class="store-info">
                        <h4>Order Questions?</h4>
                            {{depend store_phone}}
                            <b>Call Us:</b>
                            <a href="tel:{{var phone}}">{{var store_phone}}</a><br>
                            {{depend store_hours}}
                            <span class="no-link">{{var store_hours}}</span><br>
                            {{depend store_email}}
                            <b>Email:</b> <a href="mailto:{{var store_email}}">{{var store_email}}</a>
        <td class="order-details">
            <h3>Your order <span class="no-link">#{{var order.increment_id}}</span></h3>
            <p>Placed on {{var order.getCreatedAtFormated('long')}}</p>
    <tr class="order-information">
            {{if order.getEmailCustomerNote()}}
            <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="message-container">
                    <td>{{var order.getEmailCustomerNote()}}</td>
            {{layout handle="sales_email_order_items" order=$order}}
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
                    <td class="address-details">
                        <h6>Bill to:</h6>
                        <p><span class="no-link">{{var order.getBillingAddress().format('html')}}</span></p>
                    {{depend order.getIsNotVirtual()}}
                    <td class="address-details">
                        <h6>Ship to:</h6>
                        <p><span class="no-link">{{var order.getShippingAddress().format('html')}}</span></p>
                    {{depend order.getIsNotVirtual()}}
                    <td class="method-info">
                        <h6>Shipping method:</h6>
                        <p>{{var order.shipping_description}}</p>
                    <td class="method-info">
                        <h6>Payment method:</h6>
                        {{var payment_html}}

{{template config_path="design/email/footer"}}
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