Magento – magento : different shipping cost for some products


We have a default shipping cost of 1,95 euro flat rate.

We'd like to have a 4,95 shipping cost for bulkier / heavier products.

We tried using a plugin for shipping cost per product.

This results on : if you have 2 products in the cart it calculates not 4,95 but 2×4,95=9,90

Is there a way to get (SOME) products to have 4,95 shipping default and the rest should keep the 1,95 shipping cost?

Best Answer

Magento has native support for this type of shipping, it is called 'Table Rates'.

Go to

Admin > System > Configuration > Shipping Methods > Table Rate

Then select your website scope, from the drop down menu in the top left corner.

Then in the table-rates section, you'll see a button to export the CSV. Then edit it to suit your needs.

What you want to use is "Weight vs. Destination" - which will allow you to set a different shipping rate based on the weight attribute on your product. You can also specify a destination if you want, or use * for everything.

enter image description here

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