Magento – Magento Different Transactional Emails Per Store View


I am looking to have different Transaction Emails per Store View (or even just per website).
In particular, I would like to have different Newsletter Subscription Success emails.

I have created a new Transaction Email Template, then I went to Configuration, and selected the Website / Site View in Current Configuration Scope.
Then I went to Customers -> Newsletter -> Subscription Options -> Success Email Template, deselected "Use Default" and selected the new Template, and saved the config.

But despite doing all the above, the "Global" / Default Success Email Template is still being sent out for customers linked to that Site View.

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

It should work as you described besides after all that you did you should flush the cache and then it should be fine.

I´ve just tested it on my staging environment and it worked fine as per follows:

System-->Transactional Emails-->Add New Template

Then choose to load the default Template Newsletter Subscription Success After that you can do your adjustments and then go to


Then select your storeview and when you have done this please go to

Customers -> Newsletter -> Subscription Options -> Success Email Template

Then there you select your template you just created and that should work fine then.