Magento – Magento display multiple breadcrumbs in product view page


In my site I need to show all (Display Full Breadcrumb Path) category and sub category in breadcrumbs.

My product in many category like this :

Shirts >> full sleeves >> product A
T-Shirts >> Polo >> product A
Sweaters >> Woolen >> product A
Men >> Dresses >> product A

Like above I want to display all in breadcrumb [all categories which the product belongs to] in next next lines.

How to achieve this ?

Best Answer

I did the extension in below GitHub Url with below feature :

  • Display the full path in product breadcrumbs (show all category paths).
  • To display the single and multiple category breadcrumbs in product view page.
  • Helps this module, search engines to parse your breadcrumbs (Home / Search result for: 'XXX' / XXX).
  • Breadcrumbs are added to customer account pages.
  • Added breadcrumbs to contact us page.