Magento – Show Out of Stock in Configurable Product (Greyed Out)


this may be a simple question for some – but we havent used stock extensions before.

My question: how can we easily, simply, add the ability to – instead of hiding out of stock simple products (as part of a configurable product) – show out of stock simple products with the addition of "- out of stock" & maybe greyed out in the drop down.

For example:

We sell T-shirts in sizes S, M, L. And for instance L is sold out.

Instead of only showing S, M (in config product)

Showing S, M, L – out of stock (in config product, and out of stock in grey)

Best Answer

Warning, using setSkipSaleableCheck(true) appears to have an additional effect of showing disabled products in the dropdown.

The function which is affected by this setting is in Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Type_Configurable:

public function getAllowProducts()
    if (!$this->hasAllowProducts()) {
        $products = array();
        $skipSaleableCheck = Mage::helper('catalog/product')->getSkipSaleableCheck();
        $allProducts = $this->getProduct()->getTypeInstance(true)
            ->getUsedProducts(null, $this->getProduct());
        foreach ($allProducts as $product) {
            if ($product->isSaleable() || $skipSaleableCheck) {
                $products[] = $product;
    return $this->getData('allow_products');

if ($product->isSaleable() || $skipSaleableCheck) will therefore always be true

I am yet to dig through the isSaleable() function to determine exactly where this occurs (maybe someone can confirm) but my guess is that it includes a check against the products status which is missed if the skipSaleableCheck is set to true.