Magento – Magento EE 1.13 catalog routing


Below is the original question, and while it's related to what the issue ends up being, it's tangential. Please see the edits starting with number 2 for more useful background information

On our site, we have some CMS pages that explain correlation between two different categories. As such, the URLs tend to be similar to those catalog page URLs.

  • An example CMS URL:
    • "brand/category.html"
  • The category which matches:
    • "category"

Is there a setting in Magento to force category route matching to be more strict?

EDIT: I should note, though it feels obvious: These are just example names

EDIT 2: If it's helpful, all catalog pages have URLs relative to root ( where subcat is a child of another category. This behavior is different from the default in other Magento installs. (Note: this isn't preferred, and it's unclear as to why it's happening).

EDIT 3: After more digging, I found a quote from an article by Fabrizio Branca on URL keys in 1.13:

Before 1.13/1.8 any CMS page with a url-key that was also used as a category or product url-key would be evaluated first. This way you could easily replace the main categories by cms landing pages. This has changed now. Even though the CMS controller is processed first, the product and category urls will be evaluated before the routing process starts, making it much harder to display cms content in a clean way instead.

EDIT 4: Result of more research:

  • "legitimate category" exists, and by default is accessible at /a
  • "legitimate other category" exists as well, and is at b
  • regardless of the relationship between these two categories, either can be accessed using the other as its parent (a/b works fine, as does b/a).
    • note that a/b shows products of b and b/a products of a
  • However, b/b does not work, nor does non-existant-category/a

What I'm looking for is a URL structure similar to the previous Magento versions (IE category/subcategory), without losing the benefits of background indexing that 1.13 gives.

Best Answer

(Thought I'd posted an answer similar to Alan's, but I hadn't. Sitting here in LocalStorage. But, I can tag onto his answer with an interesting solution theory.)

The CMS router adds itself to the Front Controller instance by observing the controller_front_init_routers event after the Admin and Standard routers are added. With a little config XML, it would be possible to switch this to the controller_front_init_before event, thereby adding the CMS router first, meaning its match()ing logic will run before the others.

To test this theory, drop the following into app/etc/local.xml:

        <!-- fire observer for different event -->
        <!-- disable the original observer -->

See if this solves the problem.

Incidentally, the CMS router will adjust the request path in the same way as the URL rewrite model.

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