Magento – Magento EE order Archive


Can anyone please mention how the Magento EE's order archiving feature works. Does it require the default magento CRON enabled(Currently we run it disabled). And how do we know that orders are archived after we enable the setting. also how it will look e.g sales order admin page after the archive.


Best Answer

In addition to the sales_flat_order table that holds the orders there is also an other table called sales_flat_order_grid.
That table holds the records that you see displayed in the backend in the orders grid.
It basically holds the same rows as in the sales_flat_order table but with fewer columns.
This is a boost in performance.
The archive feature in EE creates an other table similar to sales_flat_order_grid (I don't remember the table name).
When you turn on the order archive, the orders that satisfy the conditions you set for archiving are moved from the sales_flat_order_grid table to the new one. This means that when looking at the order grid you will see only the not archived orders.
If the archiving worked you should see an additional menu in Sales with the archived orders where you will have a grid with the orders that satisfy the archive conditions.

be careful: If you do any operations on the order collection you will still be able to access the archived orders also. They still remain in the base table sales_flat_order. (Learned that the hard way).

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