Magento – Magento Enterprise: catalog_product_attribute not reindexed on product save


I'm using Magento ee and discovering the next problem:
I have some of the attributes used in layered navigation – color and size. When I add a new product (simple one) and save it – product successfully appears in catalog, however if I click on product's size/color in layered nav – product is not found. If I go to index management page, I see "Product attributes" has mode "Update on Save" and status "Reindex required". If I reindex manually – everything works fine, product can be found by color/size now.

But this is not something I expect – if there is "Update on Save", index should be updated automatically on product save, without manual reindex, right?

Future tests shows me, that Product attribute index becomes "Reindex Required" always, when I save product even without changes..

I tried to debug reindex on product save, and it appears that queries, which fill catalog_product_index_eav, catalog_product_index_eav_tmp tables are all part of one big transaction, which starts on "product save before" and ends on "product save after". Of course, when I debug queries which are generating data for index_eav tables, they return empty results, because product doesn't even exists in catalog_product_entity table…

So, for now I stuck on this, had any one the same issue?

Best Answer

The problem is that partial reindex was not implemented for product attributes and tags indices.

It is still persistent in You may find more details in my question here. Also some comments are also quite interesting.

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