Magento – Magento Enterprise Edition: Custom module not showing admin configuration


I have developed a magento module. It works fine for community edition and enterprise edition in my local environment. After installed it in the live site it works fine for community edition, but not for enterprise edition. It is not showing any admin configuration in enterprise edition. Am I missing anything? Please guide me as soon as possible.

Best Answer

I don't have a copy of enterprise edition on hand, but it should load the "declared module" configuration in the same place as CE

#File: app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Config.php
protected function _getDeclaredModuleFiles()

It sounds like there's some customization to your production EE system that's preventing either this line

$moduleFiles = glob($etcDir . DS . 'modules' . DS . '*.xml');

or the subsequent sorting

    foreach ($moduleFiles as $v) {
        $name = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $v);
        $name = substr($name[count($name) - 1], 0, -4);

        if ($name == 'Mage_All') {
            $collectModuleFiles['base'][] = $v;
        } else if (substr($name, 0, 5) == 'Mage_') {
            $collectModuleFiles['mage'][] = $v;
        } else {
            $collectModuleFiles['custom'][] = $v;

from finding your module. I'd add some debugging code here too see why Magento can't see your module in production.

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