Magento – Magento Enterprise Slow Product Save (/w and /wo Solr Integration)



Product save has become incrementally slower over the past 12 months


  • Magento Enterprise 1.14.1 (Issue also present in
  • ~15,000 Products, ~700 Categories, 2 Stores
  • Solr 3.6


After the slower product save became an issue we investigate the slow query log an found the same query popping up: "UPDATE `catalogsearch_query` SET `is_processed`=0" coming in at around 2-3 seconds, running the same on local this was upping to 7-10 seconds.

The reason for this slow query is the site is search heavy and they're over 400,000 rows in in the catalogsearch_query table that are all being updated with a 0 which isn't a huge amount of data to store in a MySQL table but is a huge amount to update on such a frequent event.

To make matters worse after xdebugging the process Magento is hitting the Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Resource_Fulltext::resetSearchResults() method 5 times during each product save off the back of catalog_product_save_commit_after event calling Enterprise_CatalogSearch_Model_Observer::processProductSaveDeleteEvent()

So 5 times * 3 seconds results in 15 seconds being added to each product save. 5 times seems overkill and it seems an oversight that the resetSearchResults() is called so many times at the end of the process triggered by this observer.

Investigating further there seems to be very little use for this is_processed field in the database when the Solr integration is in place.

  1. Has anyone ran into this issue?
  2. What actions did you take?
  3. Any suggestions for approaching?

My initial thoughts is to restructure the process to remove the query on the catalogsearch_query after fully investigating its impact.

Best Answer

I'm running into this issue while upgrading from EE to right now. We experience this when bulk updating product attributes and stock in cronjobs. In 1.13, the jobs take ~3 seconds and ~90 seconds respectively. In 1.14, it's more like ~10 minutes and I-don't-want-to-know-how-long.

There is an EE patch regarding the slow product save. You can request it from the support.

Another tip I found was to only update the rows which are not set to 0 already (of course only change the core file temporarily to test if it has any effect for you):

diff --git a/app/code/core/Enterprise/CatalogSearch/Model/Index/Action/Fulltext/Refresh.php b/app/code/core/Enterprise/CatalogSearch/Model/Index/Action/Fulltext/Refresh.php
index c6273a1..95e6d4c 100644
--- a/app/code/core/Enterprise/CatalogSearch/Model/Index/Action/Fulltext/Refresh.php
+++ b/app/code/core/Enterprise/CatalogSearch/Model/Index/Action/Fulltext/Refresh.php
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ class Enterprise_CatalogSearch_Model_Index_Action_Fulltext_Refresh
     protected function _resetSearchResults()
         $adapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter();
-        $adapter->update($this->_getTable('catalogsearch/search_query'), array('is_processed' => 0));
+        $adapter->update($this->_getTable('catalogsearch/search_query'), array('is_processed' => 0), array('is_processed != 0'));

         $this->_app->dispatchEvent('enterprise_catalogsearch_reset_search_result', array());
diff --git a/app/code/core/Mage/CatalogSearch/Model/Resource/Fulltext.php b/app/code/core/Mage/CatalogSearch/Model/Resource/Fulltext.php
index ee8b1c3..1d89146 100755
--- a/app/code/core/Mage/CatalogSearch/Model/Resource/Fulltext.php
+++ b/app/code/core/Mage/CatalogSearch/Model/Resource/Fulltext.php
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ class Mage_CatalogSearch_Model_Resource_Fulltext extends Mage_Core_Model_Resourc
     public function resetSearchResults()
         $adapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter();
-        $adapter->update($this->getTable('catalogsearch/search_query'), array('is_processed' => 0));
+        $adapter->update($this->getTable('catalogsearch/search_query'), array('is_processed' => 0), array('is_processed != 0'));


And last, there was a recommendation to add an index to the is_processed column:

ALTER TABLE `database`.`catalogsearch_query` ADD INDEX `IDX_CATALOGSEARCH_QUERY_IS_PROCESSED` (`is_processed`) COMMENT '';

I've tried all of them and while they brought minor performance improvements none of them got me near the performance of EE 1.13.

An easy fix (on the surface) would be to add back

if (!$this->_isFulltextOn()) {
    return $this;

at the beginning of execute() for these classes:

  • Enterprise_CatalogSearch_Model_Index_Action_Fulltext_Refresh
  • Enterprise_CatalogSearch_Model_Index_Action_Fulltext_Refresh_Changelog
  • Enterprise_CatalogSearch_Model_Index_Action_Fulltext_Refresh_Row

If I do that, the code following isn't executed because Solr is configured to be used. As the core team deprecated this method for 1.14 it's ugly though and I'll try to stay away from that at all costs.

I'm only investigating this since yesterday so I hope I can follow up with a proper solution.

Update 09.02.2015

I found out by creating a xdebug profile dump that the communication between Magento and Solr takes up most of the time System > Configuration > Advanced > Index Management > Index Options > Catalog Search Index is set to Update on Save. Setting the Catalog Search Index to Update when scheduled significantly improves the speed.

Update 03.03.2015

In the meanwhile, the Enterprise support explained why $this->_isFulltextOn() is deprecated:

We removed $this->_isFulltextOn() from execute method because we refactored current mysql_fulltext indexer to encapsulate actual indexing work and adapt Catalog Search SOLR Index to use new Mview based indexer model.

The Enterprise_CatalogSearch module implemented new indexer model which utilizes changelog for partial reindexing. Currently when SOLR is used as catalog search engine, the catalogsearch_fulltext indexer falls back to use old indexer model. We utilize the new indexer model in Enterprise_CatalogSearch module when SOLR is set as catalog search engine.

Therefore, if merchant wants to skip fulltext indexation while saving products, please ask him/her to change index mode to update on schedule.

So the official solution pretty much is to change the Index Mode to Update when scheduled. We're using it for a few weeks without problems now. If your cron is running every minute you'll experience only a minor delay until the search is updated.

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