Magento – Magento export returns a blank screen


I am using version 1.9. When I click on System->Import/Export->Export I am presented with a screen where I can chose Entity Type and Export File Format. From the Entity Type drop down box I chose Products. And from the Export File Format drop down box I chose CSV. I am then presented with a list of entity attributes that I can exclude from the export. I don't chose to skip any of them, I want all of the attributes exported. I then click on Continue. After about 45 seconds, the screen goes blank. That's it. No export.

We had this same behavior when we were using version 1.7. We upgraded to 1.9 in the hopes that the upgrade would fix the problem.

What is wrong with the export function? It did work for a long time while we were using version 1.7.

Best Answer

I solved my problem. Don't know why but for some reason my database has some products with no (NULL) SKU. went to myphpadmin, delete those products and it works like a charm.

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