Magento – Magento Form – Multiple Image uploader


 $fieldset->addField('image', 'image', array(
          'label'     => Mage::helper('featuredsalons')->__('Image'),
          'required'  => true,

        //'multiple'  => true, 
        //'multiple'  => 'multiple', 
          'name'      => 'image',
          'after_element_html' => '<p class="note"><span>Image Dimension: </span></p>'

I have tried above mentiion to allow multple images , but failed.

Best Answer

The only "multiple image" widget available in a default Magento install is the EAV Attribute type gallery.

I'm pretty sure however that you'll need to implement the same Adminhtml_Widgets in order to use it on something other than a product (like a custom EAV Entity with a custom form).

If you just need a custom form (without a custom entity or for a custom Flat entity) you may be better off creating your own Controllers and implementing SWF Upload yourself using your own logic/structures.