Magento – Magento, Full Page Cache , Memcache and Redis


I recently installed Full Page Cache by Mirasvit, but I had a couple of issues:

  1. Pages became really static, home page and electronic chart were always the same, same username for everybody, same products. Same happened on the back office. I had to disable it.
  2. Load on the server and CPU consumption is exactly the same, speed is the same

I tried to install Memcache, but I had problem with pages not refreshable, I had to force refresh to see the real page, not the last, even in the backend.

I would like to try Redis.

Any suggestion?

Best Answer

Pages became really static

That's the purpose of a cache.

Load on the server and CPU consumption is exactly the same

That's because you tried a quick fix of installing a cache rather than addressing the actual issue. Fix whatever is actually the performance bottleneck on your store.

Ie. Profile your code, review the server and application stats and make an intelligent decision as to what the bottleneck is.

Whether you use file storage, memcached or Redis for your cache store, I doubt any will solve your issue - because the speed of the cache storage is unlikely to be the reason for your high CPU usage.

I would suggest setting up proper graphing and logging on your server, identify the real reason for high CPU and fix that.

Don't ever install a cache to fix a performance/capacity issue.

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