Magento – Magento get Customer Data from session id


I've create a login function that make the customer login by email and password and return below response

    "status": "success",
    "message": {
        "id": "1",
        "name": "username",
        "firstname": "firstname",
        "lastname": "lastname",
        "email": "",
        "session_id": "7ead152bcd78c30b3f7415c985ab3d0b",
        "info": {
            "postcode": "1300",
            "city": "city",
            "street": "street",
            "telephone": "1234567890",
            "fax": null,
            "country": "USA",
            "region": null

So i want to get the customer data from the session id above but it's not working.

$sess = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session', array( 'value' => $sessId ));

My Questions:

1- How i can get the customer data from session id?

2- how i can logout the customer from the session id?

NB: This request from mobile app.

Best Answer

Get the customer data from session:

if (Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn()) {
    $customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";

Logout from session:

require_once 'app/Mage.php';
Mage::getSingleton("core/session", array("name" => "frontend"));
// get login customer data
if(Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn()) {
    $customerData = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
     //echo $customerData->getId();

//For Logout Customer

$data['msg']="Logged Out Successfully";

echo $data2;
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