Magento – Magento group prices for simple products associated with configurable products


I would like to know if it's possible in magento 1.8.0 to show different group prices for a simple product that is part of a configurable product.

I have a configurable product (T-shirt) and i have 5 simple products (for 5 different colors) that are associated with the configurable product.

When i create group prices for the configurable product they do show on the frontend.

But how do i proceed if, for example, the red t-shirt costs more than the blue one?

In the admin panel I can save different group prices for each simple product, but they don't show up on the website.

Can anybody point me in the right direction?

Best Answer

Group price will be applied across the board, however, you can still supply an over-ride on the associated products tab.

Let's say, for example, you set the grouped price for General to $10.00. You can see in the screenshot below that I have specified a fixed increase of $5.00 for the Blue t-shirt option. Thus, the price on the frontend would be $10.00 but if you select the Blue option, it will be $15.00.

That satisfy your needs?

enter image description here

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