Magento 1.9 Model – How to Get Certain Element Value from Array-Object


below you can see the value genrate through print_r
when i am trying get value of

$post->PostContent() – return value is "post 1111111111111111Read More"
but i want to get second value that is – "post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111"

<?php foreach ($posts as $post): 
    //below you can see the value genrate through print_r
    $post->PostContent();//second value that is long in length and have not included read more

AW_Blog_Model_Blog Object
    [_eventPrefix:protected] => core_abstract
    [_eventObject:protected] => object
    [_resourceName:protected] => blog/blog
    [_resource:protected] => 
    [_resourceCollectionName:protected] => blog/blog_collection
    [_cacheTag:protected] => 
    [_dataSaveAllowed:protected] => 1
    [_isObjectNew:protected] => 
    [_data:protected] => Array
            [post_id] => 1
            [title] => post 1 
            [post_content] => post 1111111111111111Read More
            [status] => 1
            [created_time] => יום רביעי, 28 בדצמבר 2016 10:14:59 America/Los_Angeles
            [update_time] => יום רביעי, 28 בדצמבר 2016 15:42:00 America/Los_Angeles
            [identifier] => post1
            [user] => pooja chaurasia
            [update_user] => pooja chaurasia
            [meta_keywords] => 
            [meta_description] => 
            [comments] => 0
            [tags] => 
            [short_content] => post 1111111111111111
            [featured_image] => lady_image.jpg
            [comment_count] => 
            [address] =>
            [cats] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [title] => News
                            [url] =>



    [_hasDataChanges:protected] => 1
    [_origData:protected] => Array
            [post_id] => 1
            [title] => post 1 
            [post_content] => post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111post 1111111111111111
            [status] => 1
            [created_time] => 2016-12-28 18:14:59
            [update_time] => 2016-12-28 23:42:00
            [identifier] => post1
            [user] => pooja chaurasia
            [update_user] => pooja chaurasia
            [meta_keywords] => 
            [meta_description] => 
            [comments] => 0
            [tags] => 
            [short_content] => post 1111111111111111
            [featured_image] => lady_image.jpg
            [comment_count] => 

    [_idFieldName:protected] => post_id
    [_isDeleted:protected] => 
    [_oldFieldsMap:protected] => Array

    [_syncFieldsMap:protected] => Array


Best Answer

All Magento Models inherit from the Varien_Object class. This class is part of the Magento system library and not part of any Magento core module. You can find this object at


Magento Models store their data in a protected _data property. The Varien_Object class gives us several methods we can use to extract this data. You will see getData, which will return an array of key/value pairs. This method can also be passed a string key to get a specific field.


There's also a getOrigData method, which will return the Model data as it was when the object was initially populated, (working with the protected _origData method).

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