Magento 1.9 – How to Log Messages in Custom Module Install Script


I would like to know how to log messages in custom module install script.

File path:


The script is running fine. I'm able to debug the file and see the SQL error, moreover, core_resource table is updated properly but the message under the catch block is not logged at:


My script:


try {
    $installer = $this;
       CREATE TABL 'dummy_table' (
        'id' int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
         PRIMARY KEY ('id')
} catch(Exception $e) {
    Mage::log('Something went wrong.', null, 'modulename_setup.log');


Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Yes I faced the problem before, the only way I managed to get it working was by forcing the log by setting the 4th parameter of Mage::log to true so in your case I suggest you use the following code

Mage::log('Something went wrong.', null, 'modulename_setup.log', true);
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