Magento Module – Fix Install Script Not Running in Magento 1.9


I'm trying to make local module to add 1 field to my category admin.
I checked 7 times and everyghing looks good. I don't know why but module installer is not starting.
I used This Tutorial

My file path: app/etc/modules/Bottom_Name.xml

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Insie file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <!-- Make sure that the version number matches the filename on your install script! -->
                    <!-- This next line is absolutely critical so that we call the appropriate setup class -->


Mage::log('Custom Name install start');
$installer = $this;

 * This is an entity associated with catalog_category
 * @var  integer
$entityTypeId     = $installer->getEntityTypeId('catalog_category');

 * Use the default attribute set for catalog_category -- this refers to the table `eav_attribute_set`
 * In my case, it's 3, but this function should automatically get that for you.
 * @var integer
$attributeSetId   = $installer->getDefaultAttributeSetId($entityTypeId);

 * This determines what group (tab) that the field will be placed. "General Information"
 * is the default tab, and I'm okay with this, but see `eav_attribute_group` for other
 * groups
 * @var integer
$attributeGroupId = $installer->getDefaultAttributeGroupId($entityTypeId, $attributeSetId);

 * Let's set up our attribute, customize the type as needed (e.g. int, varchar, decimal)
 * Note where I've used `internal_title` and change to your variable.
$installer->addAttribute('catalog_category', 'internal_title',  array(
    'type'     => 'varchar', /* Type - see eav_entity_* for the different types */
    'label'    => 'Nazwa Na stronie (prezentowana w dolnych kafelkach)', /* Your label */
    'input'    => 'text', /* This refers to the type of form field should display*/
    'global'   => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute::SCOPE_STORE,
    'visible'           => TRUE,
    'required'          => FALSE,
    'user_defined'      => FALSE,
    'default'           => ''

 * Now, add the attribute to the proper attribute group - again, replace the variable title
 * with yours.
    '2' /* Refers to the sort order of fields - see `eav_entity_attribute` for reference on the location of other fields.  I want this right below the active field, so 2 works for me.*/


And My core_resource table


Best Answer

The main culprits of an install script not running:

  1. Typo or something incorrect in XML config.
  2. Install script was added sometime after module was installed and it never runs because core_resource already has an entry for the module.
  3. You're not emptying <webroot>/var/cache
  4. Incorrect file/directory names.

Your path of app/code/local/Bottom_Name should be app/code/local/Bottom/Name

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