Magento – Magento module access denied for user with custom role


I have a module 'BlogMate' which is only accesible for users that have access to everything. Even when I change the role so the user can't access a completely unrelated part, the module gives an access denied page.

Why is that?

I don't want to give users 100% access just so they can acccess this module.

Maybe the following XML is relevant, I've seen similair questions post it.

path: app/code/community/Magik/BlogMate/etc/config.xml :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                                                <blogmate before="Mage_Adminhtml">Magik_BlogMate_Adminhtml</blogmate>
            <blogmate module="blogmate">
                    <blogmatebackend module="blogmate">
                        <title>Blog Settings</title>
                    <blog module="blogmate">
                        <title>Manage Blog</title>
                    <category module="blogmate">
                        <title>Manage Category</title>
                    <comment module="blogmate">
                        <title>Manage Comment</title>
                    <title>Allow Everything</title>
                        <blogmate translate="title" module="blogmate">
                                <blogmatebackend translate="title">
                                    <title>Blog Settings</title>
                                <blog translate="title">
                                    <title>Manage Blog</title>
                                <category translate="title">
                                    <title>Manage Category</title>
                                <comment translate="title">
                                    <title>Manage Comment</title>

Best Answer

Add this function in controller file.

     * Check for is allowed
     * @return boolean
     protected function _isAllowed() {
        return true;