Magento 1.7 – Move Website to New Domain


I had moved my magento site to a new domain after following the proper transfer domain steps i had successfully moved my site by applying the necessary steps the home page is appearing perfectly BUT the problem is i cannot access the inner pages i.e from the navigation

When i try to access the inner pages i get the following error

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Best Answer

This is a common issue in Magento. You can view that the url "" is showing the result fine, it is due to insertion of index.php in the url.

To avoid this and make it work the other way, you will need to enable the mode_rewrite_url(Configuration>Web>Search Engine optimization), and if it is already yes, then

  1. Disable it(If it is fine for you to keep the site running with index.php, then ignore the other two steps)
  2. Get the mod_rewrite enabled from server side
  3. Enable the mod_rewrite from admin area, and clear cache.
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