Magento – Apply Multiple Coupons on Cart


I have been working for 2 days for applying multiple coupon on cart
I know there are modules which are available for that. But i don't want to use it. I want some custom code so that i can apply more than 1 coupon code in the single order.

Please help. i am very tired after working on the same stuff.
enter image description here

Best Answer

In your custom module, add the following to config.xml:

                    <Namespace_Module before="Mage_Checkout">Namespace_Module_Checkout</Namespace_Module>

The first is a rewrite of Mage_SalesRule_Model_Quote_Discount to Namespace_Module_Rewrite_SalesRule_Model_Quote_Discount

The second is the overloaded controller Mage_Checkout_CartController

Next add the following file app/code/community/Namespace/Module/controllers/Checkout/CartController.php and insert the following code:


require_once 'Mage/Checkout/controllers/CartController.php';

class Namespace_Module_Checkout_CartController extends Mage_Checkout_CartController
     * Initialize coupon
    public function couponPostAction()
         * No reason continue with empty shopping cart
        if (!$this->_getCart()->getQuote()->getItemsCount()) {

        $couponCode = (string) $this->getRequest()->getParam('coupon_code');
        if ($this->getRequest()->getParam('remove') == 1) {
            $couponCode = '';
        $oldCouponCode = $this->_getQuote()->getCouponCode();

        if (!strlen($couponCode) && !strlen($oldCouponCode)) {

        try {
            $codeLength = strlen($couponCode);
            $isCodeLengthValid = $codeLength && $codeLength <= Mage_Checkout_Helper_Cart::COUPON_CODE_MAX_LENGTH;

            // Combine multiple coupons
            $couponFlag = true;

            if ($isCodeLengthValid) {
                $del = ',';

                if ($oldCouponCode) {

                    if ($oldCouponCode == $couponCode) {
                        $couponCode = $oldCouponCode;
                    } else {
                        $couponCode = $oldCouponCode . $del . $couponCode;
            } else {
                $couponCode = '';


            if ($codeLength) {
                if ($isCodeLengthValid && $couponFlag) {
                        $this->__('Coupon code "%s" was applied.', Mage::helper('core')->escapeHtml($couponCode))
                } else {
                        $this->__('Coupon code "%s" is not valid.', Mage::helper('core')->escapeHtml($couponCode))
            } else {
                $this->_getSession()->addSuccess($this->__('Coupon code was canceled.'));

        } catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->_getSession()->addError($this->__('Cannot apply the coupon code.'));


You will notice i added a section to combine coupon codes delimited by ",". This can obviously be more refined and you may want to add additional checking etc, but this code should work straight off the bat.

And finally we need to add the piece that does all the magic. Add the file app/code/community/Namespace/Module/Rewrite/SalesRule/Model/Quote/Discount.php

and add the content:


class Namespace_Module_Rewrite_SalesRule_Model_Quote_Discount extends Mage_SalesRule_Model_Quote_Discount
     * Collect address discount amount
     * @param   Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address
     * @return  Mage_SalesRule_Model_Quote_Discount
    public function collect(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
        $quote = $address->getQuote();
        $store = Mage::app()->getStore($quote->getStoreId());

        $items = $this->_getAddressItems($address);
        if (!count($items)) {
            return $this;

        $couponCode = $quote->getCouponCode();
        $couponArray = explode(',',$couponCode);

        foreach ($couponArray as $couponCode) {
            $this->_calculator->init($store->getWebsiteId(), $quote->getCustomerGroupId(), $couponCode);
            $this->_calculator->initTotals($items, $address);

            $eventArgs = array(
                'website_id'        => $store->getWebsiteId(),
                'customer_group_id' => $quote->getCustomerGroupId(),
                'coupon_code'       => $couponCode,

            $items = $this->_calculator->sortItemsByPriority($items);
            foreach ($items as $item) {
                if ($item->getNoDiscount()) {
                else {
                     * Child item discount we calculate for parent
                    if ($item->getParentItemId()) {

                    $eventArgs['item'] = $item;
                    Mage::dispatchEvent('sales_quote_address_discount_item', $eventArgs);

                    if ($item->getHasChildren() && $item->isChildrenCalculated()) {
                        foreach ($item->getChildren() as $child) {
                            $eventArgs['item'] = $child;
                            Mage::dispatchEvent('sales_quote_address_discount_item', $eventArgs);

                    } else {

             * process weee amount
            if (Mage::helper('weee')->isEnabled() && Mage::helper('weee')->isDiscounted($store)) {
                $this->_calculator->processWeeeAmount($address, $items);

             * Process shipping amount discount
            if ($address->getShippingAmount()) {


        return $this;

Basically, what this does is breaks the coupon sting up, loops through each coupon code, calculates and updates the quote totals.

To test, i have setup 2 shopping cart rules:

  • test 1 - 10 % product price discount - Stop Further Rules Processing: No
  • test 2 - 10 % product price discount - Stop Further Rules Processing: No

No coupon: no coupon

Added coupon test 1: added coupon test 1

Added coupon test 2 added coupon test 1

I have tested with fixed amount discount and this works as expected as well.

And like i said, you may need to add additional checking, possibly for duplicates, but this is where you would start. For the frontend, you could add some logic split the codes however you prefer or leave as is.