Orders Email Cron CE- – Magento Not Sending Order Confirmation Emails to Admin


I'm at loss on what to do.

This morning I configured cron and according to Aoe_Scheduler the emails in the queue are sent each 5 minutes. I don't, however, receive new order confirmations on my email account. I've triple checked whether I've configured the right confirmation address and I quadruple checked spam folders, but no emails there.

I'm worried that the customers didn't get any emails either. Does anyone recognize this problem? I ran 1.9.1 (and since a few minutes 1.9.2).

edit: Creating an account or requesting a new password on frontend does sent emails.

Best Answer

Try a workarround:

in CMS > SALES EMAILS Set Order > Sent Emails via seperate Mail (BCC is Buggy)

Magento know this bug and will fix in 2.0.